Solar Success in ESG Certifications and Frameworks

In today’s world, where ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) compliance is so important, integrating solar energy into your operations can significantly enhance sustainability ratings. But what role does rooftop solar play in scoring big on global ESG frameworks, labels and standards? In this blog, we explore the significance of green certifications like GRESB, BREEAM, CRREM, and DGNB across Europe, as well as the CSRD and SFDR guidelines. We’ll also highlight their importance for owners of logistical and industrial real estate, and discuss how Sunrock’s solar solutions help meet these standards.

Let’s get started!

Understanding ESG frameworks
ESG frameworks and labels are guidelines that help businesses measure and disclose their environmental, social, and governance performance to both regulatory bodies and investors, thus showcasing a company’s commitment to sustainability. These various schemes are continuously evolving, becoming more stringent to align with changing global sustainability goals. At Sunrock we partner with our clients to ensure they can stay ahead of these changes, meeting investor and tenant expectations more effectively. With many countries mandating ESG reporting, compliance is essential to remain competitive and sustainable.
Solar energy: A boost to ESG scores

Sourcing solar energy is a clear-cut way to effectively and rapidly meet ESG goals. By integrating rooftop solar solutions, businesses can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy costs, and achieve higher sustainability scores. Solar energy significantly cuts down carbon emissions and offers long-term financial benefits by reducing electricity bills and enhancing property value. As a result, properties with solar installations often command higher market values.

Green certifications and solar energy

Let’s explore how integrating solar on your site directly helps you to perform better on these various frameworks and standards.

The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) and Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) are at the forefront of promoting sustainability through decarbonisation. GRESB focuses on management, performance, and development, where solar energy solutions play a significant role in achieving up to 14% of the overall score through energy components. Specifically, Sunrock’s rooftop solar installations contribute to the renewable energy criteria, earning valuable points for both operational and development phases. CRREM provides pathways to align with the Paris Climate Goals, emphasising energy use and carbon intensity reductions. Sunrock supports this by offering local energy offtake solutions, complimented by our Insights Portal, which provides data on solar energy production and carbon emission reductions. Our virtual PPAs further allow clients to purchase renewable energy, enhancing portfolio carbon performance and decreasing financial risks associated with high carbon intensity.
The Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) are asset-level certifications that assess the sustainability performance of buildings. BREEAM covers criteria like management, energy, and pollution, allowing solar energy solutions to influence up to 51% of the total score. Sunrock’s smart energy solutions, including local energy consumption and innovative technologies, help logistical and industrial real estate achieve high performance in these areas. DGNB focuses on environmental, economic, and socio-cultural quality. Solar solutions from Sunrock can impact 65% of the criteria for buildings in use by providing renewable energy through local energy offtake and integrating smart energy management systems. Our battery energy storage systems (BESS) and e-mobility infrastructure solutions also contribute to bonus points for new buildings, optimising grid load management and supporting sustainability initiatives.
CSRD and SFDR Compliance
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates companies to disclose sustainability information, aiming to reduce systemic risks related to climate change. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) requires financial market participants to report on how they integrate sustainability risks into their investment processes. Data collection and reporting are key, and the Sunrock Insights Portal is here to assist. The portal allows clients to report data generated by on-site solar systems, ensuring compliance and promoting sustainable investments while facilitating transparent and verifiable sustainability metrics.
Sunrock’s Solar Solutions to Boost Your ESG
Local Energy Offtake and Virtual PPAs

Sunrock emphasises local energy offtake and virtual Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to optimise energy usage and sustainability scores. Focusing on production/consumption parity, solar production and local consumption drive efficiency and compliance with sustainability goals. Sunrock’s tailor-made strategies are directly aligned with client objectives, thereby enhancing ESG performance.

Next Energy Solutions
Sunrock provides integrated energy solutions to meet future electricity needs and ensure smart energy management. These solutions, including a smart energy management system, battery energy and storage systems (BESS), and EV charging capabilities, aim to future-proof real estate and move operations towards net-zero emissions. These innovations enable efficient use of produced energy, aligning with evolving labels and certifications.
Solar Success in Action
At the P3 Echt logistics hub, Sunrock partnered with P3 Logistic Parks to install an impressive 12 MWp solar rooftop system, featuring 24,000 solar panels. As a leading European developer of large-scale solar roofs, Sunrock collaborated closely with local stakeholders to facilitate this ambitious project. The installation not only showcases Sunrock’s expertise but also helped P3 achieve a BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ certificate, illustrating how PV installations can significantly enhance sustainability ratings and support real estate owners in reaching their environmental goals.

“In the rapidly evolving landscape of ESG standards, Sunrock is transforming client challenges into opportunities. Our integrated solar solutions effectively meet these various requirements and empower owners of logistical and industrial real estate to boost their sustainability credentials and raise their portfolio value in a sustainable way,” explains Merel Osinga, Director of Business Development and Marketing at Sunrock

Exceeding ESG with Solar

Investing in rooftop solar energy is clearly and most importantly beneficial for the planet. It’s also a strategic business move that enhances your property’s value and helps you comply with tough environmental regulations. By aligning with ESG frameworks and certifications like GRESB, BREEAM, CRREM, and DGNB, you can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, attract investors and tenants, and comply with government mandates. Sunrock makes it easier to integrate renewable energy into your logistical and industrial real estate, helping you achieve your ESG goals and become an industry leader as a net-zero carbon powerhouse.

Ready to take the next step toward a sustainable future? Partner with Sunrock and transform your property with clean, efficient solar energy.

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